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What is Humans TXT? How to Use Humans.txt?

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What is Humans TXT? How to Use Humans.txt?

Robots.txt file has known by site owner and webmasters which used to allow search engines to crawl specific pages or not and there is another idea named as humans.txt

Instead of directing rules to web crawlers robots, humans.txt provides information about the people and techniques behind the site. You can easily credit each person in your team who helped to build your website, developed, or just contributed to SEO or SEM implementations, then you may add that link to humanstxt.org website.

How to Create Humans.txt?

As you wish you may create a notepad file named humans.txt and fill it with as the template shown below and upload it to your root folder of the website same one as robots.txt is located.

Therefore, if you have a WordPress website you may choose to use a plugin like Humans.txt Plugin to create files directly within WordPress. OT it’s possible to find online tools like this to create it simply.

Here is the recommended humans.txt template, obviously you can edit how it suits you, it should just give info about HUMANS. You may add contact info, social profiles, e-mail addresses, basic site data, and any person who contributes to your website.

/* TEAM */

Webmaster: Name Surname
Contact: webmaster [at] website.com
Twitter: @webmaster
From: City, Country

Editor: Name Surname
Contact: editor [at] website.com
Twitter: @editor
From: City, Country

/* THANKS */

SEO: Name Surname
Contact: editor [at] website.com
Twitter: @editor
From: City, Country

/* SITE */

Site Name: Sitenizin Başlığı
Site URL: URL address
Last update: 2024/12/06
Language: English
Doctype: HTML5
IDE: Notepad++, FileZilla, Photoshop

After you uploaded file, you can share it with your followers or give a link from your site.

Humans TXT Examples:


Bonus INFO: You can find the websites which use humans.txt with searching inurl:”*.com/humans.txt” on Google

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